KlubCoin is not responsible in case of errors, incorrect usage or mistakes using the bridge which can lead to token losses.
Import Klubcoin’s private key to Metamask
Step-by-Step video guide
Step-by-Step images guide

2. Press Drawer⇒ Press settings.

3. Press Security & Privacy

4. Find and press Show private key

5. Input password

6. Copy the private key to clipboard

7. Open metamask

8. Press “Account 1” to open account menu ⇒ Press “Add account or hardware wallet”

9. Press “Import account”

10. Copy the private key that you just copy from KLUBCOIN app and import it. Then you now will see 2 account in the account menu

11. At home screen press the “Ethereum Main Network” to open network menu

12. Press “Add Netowrk”

13. Press “Custom Networks”

14. Fill the form with info
Network Name: Liquichain
RPC Url: https://wallet.klubcoin.net/meveo/rest/jsonrpc
Chain ID: 1662
Symbol: LCN
Block Explorer URL: https://mainnet.liquichain.io
15. Then press “Add”

16. At Home screen, press “Import Tokens”

17. Fill the form with info
Token address: 0xF2AA8e542b9aCC54f411b01B524809583C4de026
Token Symbol: KLUB
Token Decimal: 18

Then press “Import”
18. Now you have your Klub Coin